My owl beek has ...

Current status

Owl beek status: red


One day..
--- #slashdot Tue Mar 04 2003 ---
[09:48] <fromLag> my owl beek has green
[09:48] <jwbozzy> WHAT?
[09:48] <fromLag> hehe 
[09:48] <jwbozzy> ha ha
[09:49] <nukle> hh
[09:53] <jwbozzy> fromLag gets the award for most random comment EVER
[09:54] <fromLag> I got it !!
--- #[censored] Sun Dec 26 2004 ---
22:35 <philb> owl beek status: green
--- #[censored] Tue Dec 27 2004 ---
16:23 <rasher> Owl beek status: green
--- #[censored] Tue Dec 28 2004 ---
00:33 <rasher> Owl beek status: magenta
And so it caught on and eventually got a.. little out of hand.

Developer information

The current beek status is available in several different forms from (which you should check out, it has a nice picture of a lemon). The inner workings of these can sadly not be revealed due to IP problems (also j0nkatz). If you are a core beek developer, check out the beek files. IMPORTANT: The correct way to report owl beek status is in one the following forms: In addition to this, you must at all times include a fallback randomized beek status. So as to at least pretend to be giving important beek information. However, you must always notify the user that you are using random beek status.
File Description
beek.status Beek status in html form. Pleases the kids.
irc.status Beek status in text form with IRC colour codes. Pleases the channel.
name.status Beek status in text form. Pleases most people. This is new behaviour as of 2005-01-21
rss.status RSS feed of beek status changes. Pleases the bloggers.
number.status Contains the colour number according to the table below. Pleases the scripters.
beekpng.status An image with the current status. Pleases the eyes.
beekpngsmall.status A smaller version of the above. Pleases the eyes, but not as much.

Table 3.1 - status files

# Name Hex code
1 white #ffffff
2 black #000000
3 navy #000080
4 green #008000
5 red #FF0000
6 maroon #800000
7 purple #800080
8 olive #808000
9 yellow #FFFF00
10 lime #00ff00
11 teal #008080
12 aqua #00ffff
13 blue #0000ff
14 fuchsia #ff00ff
15 gray #808080
16 silver #C0C0C0

Table 3.2 - colours


Targets that have not yet been implemented: Please contact me if you are working on any of these.


Owl beek not warranted if popcorn is dumped inside the owl beek. Being aware of the contents of this disclaimer invalidates your right to use the owl beek. Use this owl beek only in a clean, well-ventilated area. Shipping damage to the owl beek should be reported to the carrier. All modifications must be performed by a licensed mechanic. Do not allow this owl beek to spontaneously combust. Opening the inner seal will immediately invalidate the warranty. Both owl beek and warranty are subject to change without notice. Operation during locust plagues will invalidate the warranty. Do not shake this owl beek. Those who may be pregnant should avoid using this owl beek. Please keep your head and arms inside the car until the owl beek has come to a full stop. Upgrades might be obtainable for a small fee. We will not in any circumstances be liable for any other damages whatsoever arising out of the use or inability to use or supply or non-supply of the owl beek and any accompanying hardware and written materials, and this must be a legitimate sentence because Microsoft uses it in their license agreements too. No liability is assumed for using this owl beek. Using this owl beek upon the spleen may be dangerous. Adequate lighting must be used with this owl beek at all times. In case of accidental ingestion of this owl beek, seek professional help immediately. Overexposure may result in nausea. No animals were harmed in the making of this owl beek.



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