Rockbox Runtime

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Name FronK
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2008-06-28
Comments Unit: 2.5 year old iAudio X5V 20GB.

Music played: Looping ~200kbit VBR mp3 albums on pretty much default Rockbox settings. Switched album ever 2-4 hours, 3 different albums played.

Other info: I was having problem with battery only giving me about 2 hours of played time even after a full recharge. Installed Rockbox, ran the player until battery dead, recharged to full and ran the battery_benchmark plugin, and somehow I got 8+ hours of playtime, not sure why.
Logfile logs/iaudiox5-2008-06-28-1.txt Newest file Sat Jun 28 04:07:24 CEST 2008