Name | JonasHaeggqvist |
Total runtime | 16:55:33 |
Date | 2006-05-10 |
Comments | Playing an album of -q3 vorbis files repeatedly with all settings set to default, showing the default WPS (with peakmeter). Battery is a cheap "2200mAh" Ipod battery, but battery type is set to 1300mAh. |
Logfile | logs/h120-2006-05-10-1.txt |
Name | buxfix |
Total runtime | 12:20:51 |
Date | 2006-12-10 |
Comments | |
Logfile | logs/h120-2006-12-10-1.txt |
Name | buxfix |
Total runtime | 12:22:59 |
Date | 2006-12-11 |
Comments | |
Logfile | logs/h120-2006-12-11-1.txt |