Rockbox Runtime

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Name deadlychicken22
Total runtime 04:26:52
Date 2006-09-03
Comments Had shuffle on and repeat on with a playlist of 41 songs. Copied over songs twice for a total of about 10 minutes. Accidentally restarted benchmark after 45 minutes of playing, should still be somewhat accurate.
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2006-09-03-1.txt
Name Laurent Van Miegroet
Total runtime 28:46:58
Date 2006-10-08
Comments All new IAudio X5L. Battery set to 2250mAh
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2006-10-08-1.txt
Name bundik
Total runtime 30:13:56
Date 2006-11-01
Comments Playing 192 kBit CBR MP3s. Replay gain, crossfeed, dircache on. With remote plugged in.
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2006-11-01-1.txt
Name bundik
Total runtime 31:31:08
Date 2006-11-04
Comments Playing 192 kBit CBR MP3s. Replay gain, crossfeed, dircache turned off. Without remote.
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2006-11-04-1.txt
Name Bento
Total runtime 24:49:50
Date 2006-12-29
Comments 128k to 192k MP3 and Ogg files played on shuffle
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2006-12-29-1.txt
Name Markus
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-01-11
Comments Playing various Bitrates from 128kbs to 320kps CBR and VBR MP3. Some OGG and Flac Files. Volume 20. Shuffle playlist with about 1400 titels. Battery set to 2250mAh.
New X5L, 4 times full charged
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-01-11-1.txt
Name fi
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-07-30
Comments loop of 23 128 kbs mp3s
standard battery (1.5 yrs old)
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-07-30-1.txt
Name JohnSmith
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-11-04
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-11-04-1.txt
Name Jay Tang
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-11-05
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-11-05-1.txt
Name Ken Connor
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-11-05
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-11-05-2.txt
Name bundik
Total runtime 00:00:00
Date 2007-12-26
Comments Playing 192 kBit CBR MP3s (same set as last year). Replay gain, crossfeed, dircache on. Without remote.
Logfile logs/iaudiox5l-2007-12-26-1.txt Newest file Sat Jun 14 18:53:37 CEST 2008