| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Zakk Roberts | 5751 |    | yesterday | "|3Y |\/|||)|<|\||(-/|-|T 2|<3" |
2 |
Plugh | 1604 |   | today | "From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:" |
3 |
uski | 1037 |     | today | "even with bitmap cards, it is not bad" |
4 |
diddystar5 | 805 |    | today | "#endif /* #ifndef SIMULATOR */" |
5 |
Jörg Hohensohn | 654 |    | today | "Dunno, but such must exist." |
6 |
Scott Myran | 526 |    | today | "read that thing about how much the neuros FW sucks?" |
7 |
Linus Nielsen Feltzing | 430 |     | 7 days ago | "Darth_Sebulba04: i can agree about that" |
8 |
vvvteddyb | 414 |   | 5 days ago | "rockbox@coll.haxx.se right" |
9 |
Mohamed Tarek | 391 |    | today | "he wasnt tried under DMCA laws" |
10 |
Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas Bernal | 366 |   | 10 days ago | "there are a lot of things left" |
11 |
yeft | 348 |   | yesterday | "yo can i ask you guys about file sharing?" |
12 |
J00 | 343 |    | 6 days ago | "that Recorder is also black :/" |
13 |
track | 316 |     | today | "you do not come in here and address a man as "oi" >-(" |
14 |
MiChAeLoL | 277 |    | 9 days ago | "well i had to cut it and solder some wires" |
15 |
Daniel Stenberg | 270 |    | today | "well, there's a lib, I bet mplayer can show anything in ascii" |
16 |
ssjhiei | 216 |    | 3 days ago | "not really completly i know some stuff" |
17 |
Hardeep Sidhu | 208 |   | today | "sagegoku: there are several new games in the daily build... try '" |
18 |
webmind | 193 |     | today | "i just lifted the hd a bit and pulled" |
19 |
BoD[] | 190 |   | yesterday | "it's the syntax for an entity reference in sgml" |
20 |
gizz_ | 184 |    | 19 days ago | "with IDC Dragon, we are investigating why the LCD remains blind" |
21 |
thu | 177 |   | today | "the one doing the games and stuff" |
22 |
Guest | 176 |     | today | "no i dont see any rockbox folder" |
23 |
USAFMEDIC | 176 |    | 2 days ago | "Dont worry I am not going to do that ever again" |
24 |
top_bloke | 160 |   | 3 days ago | "my dad brough a screwdriver and i had to fix it" |
25 |
blastman007 | 155 |   | 6 days ago | "my player is dead :-(((((((" |
Is Guest stupid or just asking too many questions? 26.7% lines contained a question!
tpelliott didn't know that much either. 26.3% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Magnus Öman, who yelled 17.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was The_Beast, who shouted 13.0% of the time!
It seems that Zakk Roberts's shift-key is hanging: 3.4% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <midknight2k3> HI ACID
The_Beast just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.2% of the time.
Zakk Roberts is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 9 times. For example, like this: * midknight2k3 slaps top_bloke around a bit with a large trout
Plugh can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor Zakk Roberts, nobody likes him. He was attacked 3 times. For example, like this: * Plugh slaps midknight2k3 with a large trout
Plugh seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 2 times.
BoD[] brings happiness to the world. 24.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Magnus Öman isn't a sad person either, smiling 23.0% of the time.
blastman007 seems to be sad at the moment: 3.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
gizz_ is also a sad person, crying 3.8% of the time.
tpelliott wrote the longest lines, averaging 67.7 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 27.8 letters per line. |
Zakk Roberts wrote the shortest lines, averaging 18.6 characters per line.
top_bloke was tight-lipped, too, averaging 19.3 characters. |
Zakk Roberts spoke a total of 22008 words!
Zakk Roberts's faithful follower, Plugh, didn't speak so much: 10442 words.
Guile wrote an average of 26.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.52 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #rockbox! |
Wow, no op was taken on #rockbox! |
Plugh always lets us know what he/she's doing: 26 actions! For example, like this: * Plugh has been Plugh since 1985
Also, MiChAeLoL tells us what's up with 24 actions.
Zakk Roberts talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 163 times!
Another lonely one was uski, who managed to hit 20 times.
Zakk Roberts couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 58 joins during this reporting period! |
Josh has quite a potty mouth. 1.2% words were foul language.
Gavitron also makes sailors blush, 0.9% of the time.