#rockbox @ Freenode stats by Jonas Häggqvist

Statistics generated on Sunday 18 May 2014 - 23:03:09
During this 363-day reporting period, a total of 1495 different nicks were represented on #rockbox.

Go back.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 Zakk Roberts4563029812553310153today"er the true/false isnt needed" Zakk Roberts
2 tracktheripper10477361112931288428524 days ago"still no fm chip emulator plugin :(("
3 Linus Nielsen Feltzing9397492783210982540today"mdb settings: center frequency, strength" Linus Nielsen Feltzing
4 Björn Stenberg9243120815902973347211 days ago"Hadaka: it can't be heard two times" Björn Stenberg
5 Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas Bernal86381490341337034 days ago"midknight2k3, theey are in my computer at home :)" Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas Bernal
6 Daniel Stenberg842085326343123181023 days ago"(void)force_redraw you mean?" Daniel Stenberg
7 ze813640421984408170218 days ago"sorry, it's just getting to me how much we hold ourselves back"
8 Plugh63084047206813 days ago"my idea is to build a table of values into a function call"
9 earhurts581725131858723723yesterday"you can get free burners that are better"
10 Stevie[FP]548060914253445167 days ago"0xc00000bb does not look like success to me"
11 Jörg Hohensohn518713742333541today"I wonder how Archos does it" Jörg Hohensohn
12 Scott Myran506524459691631488today"any info about the flash rom?"
13 Magnus Öman5030237026512 days ago"If we want bindable keys, that has to be done."
14 Bluechip440723394621501today"# statements are preprocessor directives"
15 diddystar5383422444041145today"just enter in the AB and C and write down what it says"
16 Robert Hak34316251601211994today"hows the wife? any improvement?" Robert Hak
17 langhaarrocker34245355171604768today"And then I thought. What a pity, it's not a function."
18 Hardeep Sidhu329413743122201388yesterday"kurzhaarrocker: I can't right now... maybe later?" Hardeep Sidhu
19 top_bloke3255277283400yesterday" snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%2d/%02d/%02d", mon, mday, year);"
20 BoD[]3205292527910 days ago"http://JRAF.org/tmp/Knick%20Knack.rvf.zip"
21 Mohamed Tarek310015981313441027today"they care little for software piracy claims" Mohamed Tarek
22 thu30261378130926818 days ago"not sure about newer models"
23 track289510658332814192 days ago"MERRY XMAS TO ALL ROCKBOXERS!!!"
24 uski27292376181833yesterday"and when ppl refuses to understand this"
25 TBoy253686593183662 days ago"do new variables in languages files"

These didn't make it to the top:
Stevie-O (2422) webmind (2289) MiChAeLoL (2255) Eric Linenberg (2061) Jet8810 (2009)
Dogger (1804) Neo (1731) ricII (1647) Sebulba02 (1524) Yeft (1456)
jzoss (1456) adam (1407) PokerJoker (1126) Schnueff (1124) devZer0 (1040)
Guest (943) blastman007 (935) yeft (869) Laurent_ (831) dhd (818)
DJBaz (812) thedude02 (745) OliverKlozoff (707) Scorp (663) gizz (658)
xam (653) Sparks (594) Bio_Hazard (586) arspy87 (582) ^-^_DarkAngel_^- (569)

By the way, there were 1440 other nicks.

Big numbers
Is Neurosupherot stupid or just asking too many questions? 33.5% lines contained a question!
Temfate didn't know that much either. 28.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Sparks, who yelled 19.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was Magnus Öman, who shouted 17.1% of the time!
It seems that thedude02's shift-key is hanging: 4.4% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <thedude02> OO

Dude just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.4% of the time.
Zakk Roberts is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 38 times.
For example, like this:
     * midknight2k3 slaps scott666 around a bit with a large trout

thedude02 can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 11 times.
Poor Scott Myran, nobody likes him. He was attacked 13 times.
For example, like this:
     * [IDC]Dragon slaps scott666 around a bit with a large trout

Zakk Roberts seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 12 times.
Magnus Öman brings happiness to the world. 28.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
BoD[] isn't a sad person either, smiling 25.5% of the time.
Scorp seems to be sad at the moment: 4.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
REBELinBLUE is also a sad person, crying 3.8% of the time.
xam wrote the longest lines, averaging 68.6 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 31.4 letters per line.
Neo wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.1 characters per line.
top_bloke was tight-lipped, too, averaging 17.6 characters.
Zakk Roberts spoke a total of 179973 words!
Zakk Roberts's faithful follower, Björn Stenberg, didn't speak so much: 67408 words.
topjmy wrote an average of 75.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.07 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 there 4747 langhaarrocker
2 about 4433 Michael Donat
3 think 3921 langhaarrocker
4 would 3531 Bluechip
5 recorder 2731 Mohamed Tarek
6 right 2550 uski
7 could 2458 Bluechip
8 should 2372 Bluechip
9 really 2108 langhaarrocker
10 firmware 1686 Bluechip

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 rockbox 5520 Bluechip
2 Björn Stenberg 2349 langhaarrocker
3 Linus Nielsen Feltzing 1273 Bluechip
4 Daniel Stenberg 906 Zakk Roberts
5 hmm 816 Mohamed Tarek

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://rockbox.my-vserver.de/win32-sdk.html 37 langhaarrocker
2 http://rockbox.haxx.se/daily.shtml 29 langhaarrocker
3 http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/patch.html 20 Hardeep Sidhu
4 http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/flash.html 18 Bluechip
5 http://rockbox.haxx.se/docs/firsttime.html 14 Hardeep Sidhu

Other interesting numbers
ollitrop wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times!
For example, like this:
     *** ollitrop was kicked by adiamas

SeeSchloss seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
Linus Nielsen Feltzing is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 4 people!
Linus Nielsen Feltzing's faithful follower, Robert Hak, kicked about 1 people.
Björn Stenberg donated 9 ops in the channel...
Daniel Stenberg was also very polite: 3 ops from him.
Björn Stenberg is the channel sheriff with 9 deops.
Robert Hak deoped 3 users.
Stevie[FP] always lets us know what he/she's doing: 449 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Stevie[FP] is away [gone] [KS-MsgLog Off]

Also, Zakk Roberts tells us what's up with 363 actions.
Zakk Roberts talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 931 times!
Another lonely one was Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas Bernal, who managed to hit 129 times.
tracktheripper couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 591 joins during this reporting period!
Kg- has quite a potty mouth. 2.7% words were foul language.
TotMacher also makes sailors blush, 2.3% of the time.

Latest Topics
Celebrate the 2.1 release! 27 days ago at 21:53 by Björn Stenberg
2.1 released 27 days ago at 21:50 by Björn Stenberg
2.1 feature freeze 42 days ago at 19:04 by Björn Stenberg
The topic was set 39 times.
Total number of lines: 281758.

Names are taken from the IRC nick reference on rockbox.org
Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 05 seconds