| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Jens Arnold | 4390 |     | today | "Testing in the sim would be a major hassle though" |
2 |
Paul Louden | 3161 |     | today | "smurf: Which SVN revision are you trying to use?" |
3 |
Bryan Childs | 2699 |    | today | "I think you're well out of sight of me though :)" |
4 |
Daniel Stenberg | 2691 |     | today | "I estimate it to be a pretty easy fix" |
5 |
Dominik Riebeling | 2073 |     | today | "low_light: did you also post to rockbox-dev?" |
6 |
Daniel Dalton | 1901 |    | today | "what is the difference between str and ID2P?" |
7 |
Dave Chapman | 1792 |     | today | "It's relatively recent - about 6 months or so ago." |
8 |
Jonas Häggqvist | 1778 |    | today | "We call it the "Disaster area stuntship" theme" |
9 |
Peter D'Hoye | 1731 |     | today | "something with core lock or unlock" |
10 |
Jonathan Gordon | 1497 |    | today | "or #ifdef HAVE_LOOKS_BUT_NO_BRAINS ?" |
11 |
Steve Bavin | 1486 |    | yesterday | "a la Quicktime - .mp3 could be named "Rockbox Music File"" |
12 |
Thom Johansen | 1184 |     | today | "right now i'm listening to latin jazz :>" |
13 |
Michael Sevakis | 1066 |     | today | "I think line-in works if you have a dock or something?" |
14 |
Austin Appel | 1050 |     | today | "ddalton: afaik, being blind-friendly is not one of its goals" |
15 |
DerPapst | 963 |     | today | "afaik the iPod doesn't have any radio." |
16 |
Marcoen Hirschberg | 918 |     | today | "true, but a very inconvenient way of getting there" |
17 |
Michael Giacomelli | 830 |     | 3 days ago | "that 96k file you sent me is quite strange" |
18 |
Linus Nielsen Feltzing | 739 |    | today | "elinenbe_work: it's really amazing" |
19 |
Marianne Arnold | 738 |     | today | "hmm... maybe I need to draw another svg..." |
20 |
Soul-Slayer | 665 |     | 20 days ago | "jhMikeS: No no, I was just thinking over the problems" |
21 |
Nils Wallménius | 652 |     | yesterday | "rasher: I saw you message about bitmap stuff being built for the" |
22 |
Nicolas Pennequin | 583 |    | today | "scorche: what's the patch ?" |
23 |
Dominik Wenger | 546 |   | today | "to install a ipod64MB build we need a way to detect them.." |
24 |
Christian Gmeiner | 494 |    | yesterday | "linuxstb: why did you restore arcotg_udc? It not needed anymore" |
25 |
Kévin Ferrare | 471 |     | yesterday | "anyway I'llput a patch on the tracker" |
Is ie stupid or just asking too many questions? 50.6% lines contained a question!
Daniel Dalton didn't know that much either. 46.8% of his lines were questions.
The loudest one was LambdaCalcuclus3, who yelled 17.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was _jz, who shouted 11.9% of the time!
It seems that Robert Menes's shift-key is hanging: 3.5% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <LambdaCalculus37> *BAMF*
salty-horse just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.5% of the time.
Peter D'Hoye is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 6 times. For example, like this: * petur kicks austriancoder awake
Jonathan Gordon can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 6 times.
Poor Bryan Childs, nobody likes him. He was attacked 2 times. For example, like this: * petur beats GodEater :p
Christian Gmeiner seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 2 times.
Dominik Wenger brings happiness to the world. 32.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
jbit isn't a sad person either, smiling 27.5% of the time.
Ishi`` seems to be sad at the moment: 19.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
lespea is also a sad person, crying 4.7% of the time.
ie wrote the longest lines, averaging 89.8 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 54.3 letters per line. |
LinkinXp wrote the shortest lines, averaging 16.0 characters per line.
kyuubiseal was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.5 characters. |
Jens Arnold spoke a total of 48408 words!
Jens Arnold's faithful follower, Paul Louden, didn't speak so much: 40030 words.
webguest08 wrote an average of 47.00 words per line.
Channel average was 10.00 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #rockbox! |
Wow, no op was taken on #rockbox! |
Jens Arnold always lets us know what he's doing: 322 actions! For example, like this: * amiconn pings rasher again
Also, Bryan Childs tells us what's up with 255 actions.
Jens Arnold talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 13 times!
Another lonely one was Daniel Stenberg, who managed to hit 7 times.
miepchen^schlaf couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 118 joins during this reporting period! |
muesch has quite a potty mouth. 0.8% words were foul language.
euz also makes sailors blush, 0.3% of the time.