| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Michael Sparmann | 3277 |     | today | "(talking about 2g itouch and 4g nano)" |
2 |
Thomas Martitz | 2284 |     | today | "Bob_C: the hg repo says working audio, is that true?" |
3 |
Dave Chapman | 1857 |     | yesterday | "domonoky1: So you're happy with the term "compiled bootloader" ?" |
4 |
Jonathan Gordon | 1085 |     | today | "or use the current build :p" |
5 |
Jens Arnold | 944 |     | today | "Hmm, then how does that actually work?" |
6 |
Frank Gevaerts | 864 |     | yesterday | "at least for the NOR-using ones" |
7 |
Michael Giacomelli | 761 |    | today | "probably just a bug in whatever timer mpegplayer uses" |
8 |
Torne Wuff | 724 |    | today | "what's your rockbox start screen set to?" |
9 |
Marianne Arnold | 668 |     | today | "won't the generic touchscreen mappings apply?" |
10 |
Tomer Shalev | 515 |     | today | "Torne: I guess touchpad makes more sense than tablet... Thanks" |
11 |
Bertrik Sikken | 468 |     | today | "I will need to work around that for the meizus" |
12 |
Rafaël Carré | 454 |     | today | "xScale is declined in xScaleB & xScale L (Big & Little)" |
13 |
Alex Parker | 434 |     | today | "bluebrother: So it doesn't turn off after a successful install?" |
14 |
Dominik Wenger | 390 |   | today | "kugel: afaik the gigabeat f/x has hardware usb ?" |
15 |
Dominik Riebeling | 366 |     | today | "especially if you take screenreaders into account." |
16 |
Nils Wallménius | 357 |     | today | "config-sim.h that undefines things" |
17 |
Paul Louden | 255 |    | 2 days ago | "JdGordon|: Instead of that "custom options" why not just allow us" |
18 |
topik | 245 |    | yesterday | "take a look at existing themes" |
19 |
Björn Stenberg | 206 |     | yesterday | "TheSeven: umm, that's a ... feature!" |
20 |
Marcoen Hirschberg | 180 |     | yesterday | "TheSeven: would it make sense to share some of the code?" |
21 |
tmzt | 175 |     | 4 days ago | "you mean to boot from the filemanager?" |
22 |
Michael Chicoine | 170 |     | today | "JdGordon: sorry, I'll change it back" |
23 |
Karl Kurbjun | 170 |    | today | "FX does not use the SOC usb" |
24 |
Bob_C | 149 |     | today | "The endif comments certainly don't match the #if blocks" |
25 |
polobricolo | 142 |    | 7 days ago | "TheSeven: how do you enable the usb ? i see int the svn logs it i" |
Is Jorge Pinto stupid or just asking too many questions? 47.4% lines contained a question!
enthdegree didn't know that much either. 40.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Davide Gentile, who yelled 12.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was bubsy, who shouted 10.3% of the time!
It seems that Davide Gentile's shift-key is hanging: 2.4% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Davide-NYC> :-P
bubsy just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 1.7% of the time.
Jens Arnold is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 2 times. For example, like this: * amiconn slaps kugel with red builds
Dominik Riebeling can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 1 times.
Poor Thomas Martitz, nobody likes him. He was attacked 5 times. For example, like this: * amiconn slaps kugel with red builds
himself seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
Michael Carr brings happiness to the world. 28.0% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Dominik Wenger isn't a sad person either, smiling 27.7% of the time.
Andrew Mahone seems to be sad at the moment: 10.4% lines contained sad faces. :(
Guest89785 is also a sad person, crying 6.9% of the time.
Andrew Mahone wrote the longest lines, averaging 113.2 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 65.9 letters per line. |
ShapeShifter499 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 30.8 characters per line.
bubsy was tight-lipped, too, averaging 31.6 characters. |
Michael Sparmann spoke a total of 37705 words!
Michael Sparmann's faithful follower, Dave Chapman, didn't speak so much: 25287 words.
AEnima1577 wrote an average of 72.00 words per line.
Channel average was 11.93 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #rockbox! |
Wow, no op was taken on #rockbox! |
Michael Sparmann always lets us know what he's doing: 289 actions! For example, like this: * TheSeven hunts for something to commit :-)
Also, Dave Chapman tells us what's up with 152 actions.
Michael Sparmann talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 29 times!
Another lonely one was Torne Wuff, who managed to hit 8 times.
Thomas Martitz couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 100 joins during this reporting period! |
Thom Johansen has quite a potty mouth. 0.3% words were foul language.
sansauser also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.