| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Thomas Martitz | 1160 |    | today | "increase it as you need :)" |
2 |
Hayden Pearce | 1081 |     | today | "Ah, I take it you don't use it much gevaerts...?" |
3 |
Michael Giacomelli | 920 |     | today | "if the reset buttons don't work, then no" |
4 |
Torne Wuff | 875 |    | yesterday | "it usually has to rebuffer the data" |
5 |
Frank Gevaerts | 827 |     | today | "Yes, we'll need to think about that..." |
6 |
Michael Sparmann | 797 |     | today | "why on earth isn't that controlled through the audio driver?" |
7 |
amee2k | 658 |     | yesterday | "no, i checked when you told me, remember?" |
8 |
Thomas Jarosch | 626 |    | today | "kugel: The wrong path is then passed to _lc_open()" |
9 |
Andree Buschmann | 609 |     | today | "you are using the one with sleep/16 to sleep ?" |
10 |
Nils Wallménius | 539 |     | today | "but it depends a bit on what you need" |
11 |
the_Kyle | 487 |    | yesterday | "It's giving today's date as the build date." |
12 |
Jonathan Gordon | 439 |     | today | "well, images will be drawn over the previous one, so if foo and b" |
13 |
Marcin Bukat | 340 |     | 5 days ago | "http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20101221#10:13:51" |
14 |
Amaury Pouly | 334 |    | today | "there is some massive code duplication in it" |
15 |
David Hall | 318 |    | today | "getting mpegplayer glitches" |
16 |
Marianne Arnold | 317 |     | today | "and it's just the better way than hardcoding something" |
17 |
Michael Sevakis | 278 |    | yesterday | "peterson's algo was the final choice for PP" |
18 |
eWill | 268 |     | today | "does there exist a page that gives a basic outline of the sourc c" |
19 |
Paul Louden | 264 |     | today | "Er, to the WPS context menu, I mean" |
20 |
Alex Parker | 234 |     | yesterday | "you can just delete that folder if you don't want them" |
21 |
Bertrik Sikken | 163 |    | yesterday | "TheSeven, I see that two wakeup structures are initialised in nan" |
22 |
Thom Johansen | 138 |    | yesterday | "got it in the first version of 3dnow" |
23 |
Jorge Pinto | 128 |     | 4 days ago | "bertrik: hmmm, I will try to look and see if I understand.." |
24 |
Michael Stummvoll | 112 |    | yesterday | "TheSeven, no, it seems to end regular with an error-code" |
25 |
Austin Appel | 111 |    | yesterday | "soap: when was it supposedly deleted?" |
Is blindbluesmama stupid or just asking too many questions? 40.0% lines contained a question!
eWill didn't know that much either. 38.4% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Jorge Pinto, who yelled 10.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was Michael Hohmuth, who shouted 9.8% of the time!
It seems that Dreamxtreme's shift-key is hanging: 2.7% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Dreamxtreme> 5.5G
Clipper just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.0% of the time.
Thomas Martitz is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 1 times. For example, like this: * kugel slaps forehead
hLVEHEART can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor forehead, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 2 times. For example, like this: * thomasjfox slaps forehead
himself seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
Luca_S brings happiness to the world. 23.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Mustapha Senhaji isn't a sad person either, smiling 20.2% of the time.
Luca_S seems to be sad at the moment: 9.3% lines contained sad faces. :(
Strife89TX is also a sad person, crying 3.1% of the time.
mordocai wrote the longest lines, averaging 125.3 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 63.5 letters per line. |
marines wrote the shortest lines, averaging 28.7 characters per line.
supah was tight-lipped, too, averaging 32.6 characters. |
Hayden Pearce spoke a total of 13052 words!
Hayden Pearce's faithful follower, Thomas Martitz, didn't speak so much: 11598 words.
Pun wrote an average of 45.50 words per line.
Channel average was 11.63 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #rockbox! |
Wow, no op was taken on #rockbox! |
Michael Sparmann always lets us know what he's doing: 71 actions! For example, like this: * TheSeven *hates* loud white noise
Also, Frank Gevaerts tells us what's up with 59 actions.
amee2k talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 9 times!
Another lonely one was Hayden Pearce, who managed to hit 8 times.
Jonathan Gordon couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 189 joins during this reporting period! |
bonkers_ has quite a potty mouth. 0.7% words were foul language.
Thom Johansen also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.