| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Hayden Pearce | 439 |    | today | "96kb/s in opus is roughly equivalent to 320kb/s mp3" |
2 |
Michael Giacomelli | 256 |    | 2 days ago | "i think we already downmix a lot of formats" |
3 |
Amaury Pouly | 244 |     | today | "ukleinek: I've not yet written the code for speaker" |
4 |
Maxdamantus | 226 |    | 10 days ago | "Hmm .. I read that SDXC cards are compatibly with SDHC readers." |
5 |
Frank Gevaerts | 221 |     | yesterday | "If that's the direction you're going in, anyway :)" |
6 |
Marcin Bukat | 150 |    | 2 days ago | "that is good (in some way) I would say" |
7 |
madcat1990 | 133 |    | 3 days ago | "while the author for that commit is tiago@weeverapps.com" |
8 |
Michael Sevakis | 129 |     | today | "saratoga: haven't tested that. it should calculate at 96k but may" |
9 |
Torne Wuff | 128 |     | today | "it would effectively be developed from scratch" |
10 |
Dominik Riebeling | 127 |    | today | "not sure. Maybe I need a 3D printer for that form?" |
11 |
ukleinek | 110 |     | 2 days ago | "HW_POWER_VDDACTRL = 0008270a" |
12 |
diginet | 89 |    | 3 days ago | "is it mature enough to use yet?" |
13 |
Björn Stenberg | 80 |    | today | "right, the time cell starts one column too early" |
14 |
Nils Wallménius | 79 |     | today | "meh, gcc has the same build issue" |
15 |
lebellium | 75 |     | today | "which version should I install on my Galaxy S2?" |
16 |
copper | 65 |    | yesterday | "turns out I didn't set a build env for rockbox after all" |
17 |
jmspeex | 65 |  | 5 days ago | "saratoga_: why no idea if it's possible?" |
18 |
mortalis | 57 |    | yesterday | "yes, i remember, i will do it later today" |
19 |
Thomas Martitz | 56 |     | today | "yea, dont judge from the sim please" |
20 |
Rafaël Carré | 54 |    | yesterday | "it doesn't always work though" |
21 |
derf | 52 |   | 5 days ago | "n1s: Well, if you point me where I'm happy to take a look." |
22 |
Bertrik Sikken | 51 |     | today | "that way the patches can be publicly reviewed and easily pushed" |
23 |
quiliro | 49 |    | 25 days ago | "i was looking for information about the the kernel too" |
24 |
Mir | 46 |   | today | "has the USB issue with the fuze been resolved yet?" |
25 |
icyhot | 36 |  | 11 days ago | "what if you reformat disk drive and run rockbox utility" |
Is Nate][ stupid or just asking too many questions? 52.4% lines contained a question!
Water didn't know that much either. 51.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was minouche, who yelled 29.6% of the time!
Another old yeller was aelinoea, who shouted 20.0% of the time!
It seems that diz_Child's shift-key is hanging: 11.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <diz_Child> :-C
ukleinek just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 5.5% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
minouche brings happiness to the world. 33.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Frank Gevaerts isn't a sad person either, smiling 19.0% of the time.
minouche seems to be sad at the moment: 11.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
Mir is also a sad person, crying 6.5% of the time.
Water wrote the longest lines, averaging 101.5 letters per line.
#rockbox average was 61.6 letters per line. |
Mir wrote the shortest lines, averaging 38.6 characters per line.
madcat1990 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 39.0 characters. |
Hayden Pearce spoke a total of 4961 words!
Hayden Pearce's faithful follower, Amaury Pouly, didn't speak so much: 3500 words.
Guest98231 wrote an average of 55.00 words per line.
Channel average was 11.21 words per line.
Nice opers here, no one got kicked! |
Strange, no op was given on #rockbox! |
Torne Wuff is the channel sheriff with 1 deops.
Maxdamantus always lets us know what he/she's doing: 19 actions! For example, like this: * Maxdamantus wonders if he should fix it.
Also, Frank Gevaerts tells us what's up with 16 actions.
Hayden Pearce talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 7 times!
Another lonely one was Amaury Pouly, who managed to hit 3 times.
DexterLB couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 170 joins during this reporting period! |
Dominik Riebeling has quite a potty mouth. 0.3% words were foul language.
Bertrik Sikken also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.