Rasher's Toolbox

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This is where I've put some of my little script-thingies. Some of them are usefull, some of them are not. But you're free to use them if you like.


keyb_prompt -- Get input from stdin.


checked / selected -- Simple html checks for use on form elements.


fix_jpeg -- Removes extraneous bytes from JPEG image.
create_thumb -- Creates thumbnail of an image retaining proportions. Output to browser or file.


ipinfo -- Attempt to geolocate a host, using the hostip.info service
im_status -- Find a user's status on various Instant messenger networks
lastfm_recent -- Retrieve a user's recent tracks from last.fm
cached_file_get_contents -- Load a file from an URI, keeping a cached copy


id3 class -- Parse and write id3v1(.1) and id3v2 tags
mpeg class -- Parse mpeg header of mp3 files


make_clickable -- Make URLs in a text clickable
lat_lon_dist -- Calculate the distance between two coordinates.
bytes2human -- Convert a number of bytes to human readable.
cut -- Truncate a string.


convertsecs -- Convert a number of seconds to a human readable format.
findtimediff -- Find the number of seconds your local clock is wrong

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